

People like to visit different parts of famous places in their life.  INDIA  has lots of famous places...   India is the world’s seventh-largest country stretching from the high mountains of the Himalayas to the tropical greenery of Kerala.  Its more than one billion inhabitants are divided into two thousand ethnic groups and speak over 200 different languages. Conform its size and population, India has an almost endless variety of cultures, landscapes, monuments and places to explore. From the ancient ruins, fascinating religious structures, exotic cities and diverse landscape there is an endless collection of tourist attractions in India that will never cease to awe and fascinate the visitor.   Top 10 Tourist Attraction in India

Aigiri Nandini [Rock Version] | Official Music Video | Nakshatra Product...

What a lovely voice ....

10 Most Popular Modern Painting Styles

          The ART is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.   Popular Modern Styles of Painting Modern art was a reaction to the rigid style set by traditional French institutions. Modern styles emerged starting in the 1860s  and continued through the 1970s. This type of art refers to styles of painting that eschewed realism and past traditions. Instead, its focus is on experimentation with various materials and styles. The following are some of the popular styles that reflect the spirit of the modern art movement. 1. Abstract Art Abstract art  refers to a style of painting that does not use figurative reality as a reference. Instead, the artist alludes to their subject and reduces it to a simplified form. Colors and shapes are used to p...